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Resilience is the key to success – An interview with high powered executive coach, Dr. Taryn Stejskal

Success is a concept that is desired universally. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, conglomerate, or brand, everyone has their definition of success. Though success does not have a stipulated formula, successful people often exhibit similar qualities. Dr. Taryn Marie Stejskal was born on December 27th, 1978, in Michigan, USA, and is a celebrated American executive coach, author, and speaker. She firmly believes that resilience is the missing ingredient that has immense potential to help people succeed and achieve their goals. In this interview, Dr. Taryn shares her thoughts, experience, and inputs to help us understand how resilience is indeed the key to success.

Global executives as well as Hollywood actors, musicians, and influencers as the leading resilience coach to support them in reaching their most authentic, vibrant, and inspirational aspects of their creative voice, along with ensuring their sustainability in pursuing their craft. In particular, I have helped my A-List clients work through psychological barriers such as: creative blocks, imposter syndrome, low self-confidence, and self-sabotage. These clients have been drawn to me in light of my gentle approach, expertise in resilience, dual certifications in mental health, psychology, and executive coaching, as well as my commitment to confidentiality to support high profile people in becoming the very best of themselves.

Dr. Taryn, could you tell us more about your upcoming book titled “Flourish or Fold: The Five Practices of Particularly Resilient People”?

My book is based on a decade worth of research. I analyzed thousands of pieces of data to understand behavior patterns and practices that allowed people to develop and sustain resilience in both leadership and life. People can’t lead flourishing lives without complexity, challenges, or change. What defines us is how we choose to react to stressful situations and how we allow it to mold us for the better. My book covers the five behaviors that resilient people practice and exhibit. The secret to building resilience into our lives depends on our willingness to imbibe and emulate these five behavior patterns. Flourish or Fold, is slated for release in 2020, and I hope that it will empower people to lead more fulfilling lives.

How did you discover the power of resilience?

Dr. Taryn: I have dealt with undiagnosed dyslexia and several traumatic experiences during high school, which led to twenty years of PTSD. My formative and adolescent years were difficult, but in the end, I rose above it. I conquered my demons through introspection, perseverance, and a deep understanding of resilience. Through my trials and tribulations, I conducted in-depth research to understand the latent potential of resilience and how it can be harnessed to help people lead better lives. My quest to unravel resilience lead me to ask a simple question. When faced with a challenge, why do some people flourish, while others fold? This is how my own experiences lead me to discover the power of resilience.

Could you tell us how resilience is the key to success both professionally or personally?

Dr. Taryn: Resilience has multifaceted applications. I have spent several years coaching CEOs and executives in leading organizations to help them lead their companies successfully and face failure. Through the power of resilience, teams can work together efficiently and boost both morale and productivity. When people choose to cultivate resilience in their lives and embrace it, it will help them unleash their full potential. Being resilient allows you to grow, evolve, and improve as you face challenges in life. Resilience can help you become the best version of yourself, and that is the highest form of success.

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